Thursday, March 23, 2017

Republicans Can't Pass TrumpCare

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters at Thursday’s briefing that Trumpcare would pass and they were getting it done. Within an hour it all fell apart. CNN’s Jake Tapper outright called the failure an embarrassing humiliation for President Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI).
“It turns out it’s a lot easier for Republican leaders to say ‘repeal and replace’ than to do it,” Tapper began his show. “Seven years ago, the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare was signed into law by President [Barack] Obama and since that time Republicans have been planning, hoping, dreaming for this day, the moment where they could finally repeal Obamacare and replace it with their solution to the nation’s health care mess.”
Tapper went on to say that the GOP has had seven years to prepare for the day but it didn’t work out.

“Now weeks after optimistic talk from house leaders, declarations from White House secretary Sean Spicer that ‘the bill will pass the House tonight and there is no Plan B,’ well, the bill was in such peril Republican leaders pulled it and postponed the vote. And what critics are calling an ’embarrassing and ignominious move,’ so humiliating, it signifies the only thing worse would have been to actually bring it to a vote where Republican leaders were apparently confident it would die.”