Russia Gate

Trump Jr. was in contact with WikiLeaks privately on Twitter

All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III filed the first charges in his investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election on Oct. 30. Mueller brought charges against three former Trump campaign officials — Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos. Manafort and Gates have both pleaded not guilty. Papadopoulos accepted a plea bargain, which detailed extensive contact between himself and various individuals claiming they had connections to the Kremlin.
Despite denials from the campaign and the White House, it’s now clear that members of the Trump campaign corresponded or met with Russians at least 30 times throughout the campaign. Knowledge of these communications went to the highest levels of Donald Trump’s operation — both Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort, two of the campaign’s three managers, were aware of it.
Since the information about members of the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russians has come out in dribs and drabs, as a public service, we compiled a comprehensive timeline of what we now know from media reports and court documents detailing which members of the campaign met with Russians during the campaign as well as internal discussions about those meetings. We will update this timeline as necessary.

Trump said firing 'nut job' Comey took pressure off Russia probe; White House official now 'person of interest'

Via:  Yahoo News

Two more bombshell reports published Friday afternoon delivered a one-two punch to the Trump White House regarding the investigation into its potential ties to Russia, capping off a week where each day dealt a fresh blockbuster blow to the administration.
In one, the Washington Post reported that the FBI’s Russia probe has identified a current advisor to the president as a “person of interest,” while a second New York Times story reported the commander-in-chief told visiting Russian officials that the firing of “nut job” FBI director James Comey had taken a weight off his shoulders.
“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” said President Trump in a meeting with Russian officials last week, according to the Times report on a document summarizing the meeting. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
Trump reportedly added that he wasn’t under investigation, which is potentially untrue as the president may not know the extent or specifics of the probe. The White House did not dispute the Times reporting on Trump’s quote.
The Washington Post story reported that the probe into potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russia had identified a senior White House adviser who is close to the president as a “significant person of interest.” The Post report also said that while the initial investigation was into coordination between Trump officials and Russia, sources said that it has expanded to include potential financial crimes committed by those close to Trump.
Two members of the Trump campaign and transition with reported ties to Russia – former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign chair Paul Manafort – are not current White House officials, meaning the Post reporting has identified a new connection.