Thursday, August 17, 2017

Governor Huckabee Defends Trump

This guy has always been CLUELESS. He would argue that 2 plus 2 equals 5. He also showed up to support Kim Davis (Kentucky clerk who refused to marry a same sex couple). Listen to what he has to say here:
Governor Huckabee:  Let me ask a question that I’d honestly like to hear the Trump Hate Brigade answer: if Donald Trump is such a KKK-supporting racist, when exactly did that happen? He’s lived most of his life in the public eye. His companies were leaders in non-discriminatory hiring. He’s given interviews for decades that you can watch at the link below, denouncing racism and white supremacists. He was a major TV star for years, and we never heard any accusations of racism (if there were, NBC would surely have dropped him, right?) So when did he become an evil white supremacist? Was it after his 70th birthday? If so, then that’s one more way in which he’s truly remarkable. Not many people change their entire world view after they turn 70.

The problem with his thinking is this:
People can be racist and not even realize it. For example, when sitting inside a new expensive popular restaurant one can notice a black couple sitting a few tables over. Instantly a racist person would say to themselves that they are going to have a hard time paying for the check. That thought wasn't intentional but nonetheless it did enter the racist's mind. The racist however couldn't tell you the black couple's salary, occupation or other relevant information that brought him to his conclusion. He just instantly assumes that the couple is "beneath" him. In addition, the instant judgement triggered by just noticing the black couple will usually go unrecognized. It is unrecognized because the racist doesn't see a problem with the automatic judgement. If the racist never acknowledges that the instant judgement is a problem then the racist will never change or attempt to change. So . . . one can be racist and not even realize or accept that he or she is racist. But judging people based on the color of their skin is the definition of racism.